- evergreen Mediterranean tree with edible pods; the biblical carob. 地中海一种可食的常绿豆荚树;圣经中的角豆树。
- evergreen Mediterranean tree with edible pods; the biblical carob 地中海一种可食的常绿豆荚树;圣经中的角豆树
- Of or appearing in the biblical canon. 真经的属于或出现于圣经的真经篇目的
- What is the biblical support for this view? 对这种观点的圣经支持是什么?
- the biblical carob. 圣经中的角豆树。
- To include in the biblical canon. 包括在真经中
- The Biblical emphasis was on God's love and mercy. 《圣经》强调的是上帝的爱和仁慈。
- Sons and Lovers has a deep connotation of the Biblical culture. 儿子与情人》有着深厚的圣经文化内涵。
- Chapter III deals with the Biblical archetypes in these two novels. 第三章主要论述了圣经原型与这两部作品之间的平行对位关系。
- He chose not to mention the biblical account of creation. 他选择不提创造的圣经解释。
- The biblical prophet Isaiah lived at a time of crisis not unlike our own. 圣经里面的先知以赛亚生活的时代其实和我们现在的情况也差不多。
- Prophet of ancient Israel after whom the biblical Book of Isaiah is named. 古代以色列先知,《旧约》中的〈赛亚书〉以其名命名。
- VOICE: And what does the Biblical Theism column say about man's destiny? 那圣经的一神论对人的命运有什麽说法呢?
- "Satanism", is the worship and imitation of the biblical Satan or Lucifer. ‘魔鬼教派”,是指对圣经里撒旦和魔鬼的崇拜和模仿。
- First, we need to know and understand what is the biblical worldview? 首先我们要认识一个合乎圣经的世界观。
- Jakes spoke of the biblical Good Samaritan who cared for a man beaten and robbed by thugs. 撒玛利亚人曾经为一个遭到一群恶棍毒打和抢掠的人提供了关爱。
- The evidence of the guiding star in our own lives may not be so fantastic as the Biblical story. 我们自己生命中的指路明灯的迹象不可能像圣经故事那样如此地奇异。
- The gospel that must be preached today is the biblical gospel, the powerful gospel, not a neutered gospel. 当今,应该传讲的福音必须是圣经的福音,有权柄的福音,而不是悦耳的福音。
- It is true that they tried to obey the Biblical commands to be sober and upright. 没错,他们试着遵照圣经的教导以保持良善与正直,他们穿朴素的衣服,避免浪费时间在闲谈和娱乐上。
- To remove repentance from the gospel is to so disfigure and manipulate the gospel so that it is no longer the biblical gospel at all! 没有了悔改资讯的福音,是丑化和篡改了的福音,绝不再是圣经的福音了。